In the first to second quarters of the year, from January to August 22 (2023 vs 2024), Jamaica has continued to experience in the reduction of both collisions and fatalities on our roads.
For 2024 so far, we have observed 211 collisions and 243 deaths, an improvement when compared to the 252 collisions and 211 fatalities during the same period in 2023. This represents a decrease of 16.27% in collisions and a 10.66% reduction in deaths.
For more in-depth insights and interactive data visualization, explore our Online Fatal Crash Map at:
Join us in the mission to make Jamaica’s roads safer. 🚗🛵🚚
For inquiries and further information on road safety initiatives and others, kindly reach out to us.
Phone: (876) 977-3161-2
WhatsApp: (876) 388-9097
#RoadSafety #FatalCrashes #DriveSafe #Jamaica #MonaGeoinformatics