News Article

JAMNAV knows Jamaica’s roads!

It is always a pleasure catching up with Norma Brown Bell from RJR’s Roving Traffic Report (@radiojamaica94fm). For many years, they have relied on JAMNAV (@JAMNAV1) as their trusted morning traffic guide. A special thank you to Halshane Burke (@halshaneburke) and Charles Lannaman (@charleslannaman) for joining the RJR team to deliver the Christmas token to Mona Geoinformatics Institute’s (MGI) Executive Director, Luke Buchanan.

This partnership between MGI/JAMNAV (@MGIMona & @JAMNAV1) and the RJR Communications Group has been going strong for nearly a decade, and we are excited to see it grow even stronger in the years ahead.

What is JAMNAV?
JAMNAV is Jamaica’s premier GPS navigation map, offering street-level, voice-assisted, turn-by-turn navigation to guide users quickly, safely, and easily to their destination. Designed for Jamaicans and visitors alike, JAMNAV’s high accuracy and extensive coverage make it indispensable for personal use, as well as for local delivery services, fleet operators, and national security applications. As the official Garmin™ map developer for Jamaica, MGI provides map data for Garmin™ devices across the island.

Exciting Updates
Over the past 15 years, JAMNAV has evolved into a robust geospatial database with over 1.5 million data points for Jamaica and we are still growing, one coordinate at a time! Developers can tap into the JAMNAV API to enhance their applications, and in 2025, we plan to integrate GeoAI technologies into JAMNAV for even greater innovation.

Visit us online to learn more:
🌐 JAMNAV Website:
🌐 MGI Website:
📧 Email:
📞 Phone: (876) 977-3160-2
💬 WhatsApp: (876) 388-9097

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate the future together!

#MGI #JAMNAV #GeospatialInnovation #JamaicaNavigation #RJR94FM #SmartMapping #GeoAI #GIS #Garmin #DigitalTransformation #FutureOfMapping #JamaicaTourism #NavigationSolutions #TechInJamaica #SustainableDevelopment #JamaicaTech

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